HBM136: Jacob's Lost Biography

Image by Jeff Emtman


In 2012, Jacob Lemanski started writing his autobiography a few words at a time when he signed his name on the digital card readers at the grocery store. He read somewhere that the credit card companies keep the signatures on file for seven years. He thought he might report his card stolen in 2019 so that some grunt at Mastercard would find the story of his life...or…more likely he thought it was a project destined to evaporate and never be seen by anyone. 

His inspiration came from an email forward containing a certain Kurt Vonnegut quote about making art for the sake of making art—whether it’s singing in the shower or writing bad poems. Vonnegut argued that art is one way to make the soul grow. 

Jacob considered turning this into a lifelong project. At the time that he and HBM producer Jeff Emtman first talked, he was four entries into the project. On this episode, Jeff checks back with Jacob about his grocery store autobiography. 

Jacob is a retired ant farmer living in Boulder Colorado.

Also on this episode, voicemails from listeners, who share stories about their bodies, sounds from the world around them, and the things that make them feel guilty. Call us anytime (765) 374-5263

Producer: Jeff Emtman
Editor: Bethany Denton
Music: The Black Spot, August Friis 


HBM096: Are We Still Afraid?

Image by Jeff Emtman.


Here Be Monsters is almost 100 episodes old. It’s grown a lot since Jeff was a scared 22 year old learning audio editing in his basement. So as we approach the milestone, we take a look back, check in with some of our memorable guests, and take the chance to answer some listener questions while we’re at it.

Content Note: Recreational drug use, deaths (intentional and accidental), eating disorder, language, and sex.

On this episode we’ll hear updates from or about:

Luke, Griff and Ira from HBM076: Griff’s Speech
Remi from HBM080: An Ocean of Halves
Tariq from HBM077: Snow on Date Trees, Then on Pines
Tyler from HBM052: Call 601-2-SATAN-2
Patti from HBM054: Flaming Sword of Truth
Erin from HBM064: A Shrinking Shadow
Jacob from HBM015: Jacob Visits SaturnHBM072: Ant God

▶   You can call us any time at (765) 374 - 5263   ◀

Bethany Denton and Jeff Emtman produced this episode. Nick White is our editor at KCRW. 

Producers: Jeff Emtman and Bethany Denton
Music: The Black Spot, Flowers, Lucky Dragons, Serocell